Month: July 2013
Bir Aşk Tanrısı Olarak Nick Cave
L is for LOVE, baby O is for ONLY you that I do V is for loving VIRTUALLY all that you are E is for loving almost EVERYTHING that you do R is for RAPE me M is for MURDER me A is for ANSWERING all of my prayers N is for KNOWING your loverman’s…
Yeni Şeyler Söylemek Lazım
Kadıköy-Karaköy rutinimi güzelleştiren masum bir alışkanlık.. Her anlamda yeni bir şeyler lazım bize, silkinme zamanı.. Güzel geçecek bir sonbaharın habercisi hepsi..
“Two shots of happy, one shot of sad I’m not complaining, baby I’m glad You call it a compromise, well what’s that Two shots of happy, one shot of sad”